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Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition = 1200 pages + 30h video: Efficient and Effective Treatment of a Wide Range of Common Diseases based on DrV's Functional Inflammology Protocol (video) and Expert-level medical-clinical integration (video).
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Memes, Quotes, and Perspectives on Vaccines and Antiviral Strategies
Periodically updated by Dr Alex Vasquez

Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition is included in Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition , as well as in Volume 1 of Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
All updated protocols are available in printed books and in digital ebook format via Amazon's Kindle software for phones and computers as well as the Nook platform from Barnes and Noble bookstores.
Antiviral Blogs and Videos:
2014 Importance of Having and Using a Structured Approach to the Management of Viral Infections: Introduction
2014 Unified Antiviral Strategy published by ICHNFM
2015 One Hour of Video Tutorial on Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition
2016 Vaccination Indoctrination: A Few Personal Reflections from a Physician
2016 Barcelona presentation 2016
2017 Lies from The Atlantic: Insider's View and Science on Olga Khazan's "The Shadow Network of Anti-Vax Doctors" published January 18, 2017
2017 "All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis. Though a vaccine protects children against the target disease it may simultaneously increase susceptibility to unrelated infections."
2017 Seeing the Truth of Vaccine Stupidity: All You Have to Do is Open Your Eyes and Think a Little
in process
2017 Antiviral Nutrition: New Study on Selenium in HIV
2017 Antiviral memes and quotes periodically updated
ICHNFM Courses, Books, Membership, Newsletter
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