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Microbiome and Clinical Dysbiosis course supplementary material from 2013 International Conference on Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Dr Vasquez introduces the CE/CME course "Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Clinical Disease" (Main page) (PDF syllabus)
  • Summary of this brief video excerpt: In this presentation from the 2013 International Conference on Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Dr Vasquez provides some major insights into the pathophysiology and treatment of dysbiosis-induced inflammatory disease.

  • Overview: In this 30-hour course, which details the molecular basis and clinical management of dysbiosis-induced disease, Dr Vasquez walks participants through the most important considerations and concepts for the successful management of various forms of dysbiosis, differentiated by metabolic impact and inflammatory consequences, as well as clinical phenotypes and prototypes, so that clinicians can truly master the impact of microbial imbalances in clinical care. The accompanying (sold separately at discount price, but also included in the program in plain text format) clinical monograph provides an additional 14 hours of video access for additional insight and clinical application. For a conceptual review in print, see DrV's translational review published in 2015 and his more recent letter published in Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2016.

  • Clinical pearls, starting with video #1: If you understand the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in dysbiosis-induced disease, then you will know how to intervene more effectively, regardless of the identity of the microbes involved.

  • Note: To access this video you must use password "DrV2013DysbiosisDrugs"

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