Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition = 1200 pages + 30h video: Efficient and Effective Treatment of a Wide Range of Common Diseases based on DrV's Functional Inflammology Protocol (video) and Expert-level medical-clinical integration (video).
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Nutrition and Functional Medicine Education under $€15
Inexpensive Functional Nutrition/Medicine Resources: ICHNFM provides many resources for free, such as our articles and many of our videos, while others are especially inexpensive, perfect for beginners, persons interested in only one topic, and for use as gifts. Note that all digital ebooks can be read via the free Kindle software that makes ebooks readable on smartphones, iPads, and computers. As noted below, all of these smaller books are excerpted from Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition (discounted paper book, digital ebook), which at 1,182 pages of dense text is the equivalent of 20-30 normal books conveniently packaged and indexed together. By popular request, Inflammation Mastery was also published as a two-volume set titled Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Volume 1: Essential Knowledge for Effective Action and Volume 2: Protocols for Inflammatory Disorders.
NEW Book 2017 Autism, Dysbiosis, and the Gut-Brain Axis: See details and video here at ICHNFM.ORG/autism. "Autism, Dysbiosis, and the Gut-Brain Axis" is a short focused excerpt from "Deciphering the Gut-Brain Axis in Clinical Practice" which itself is excerpted from Dr Vasquez's postgraduate medical education program "Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Clinical Disease." This excerpt is edited and embellished from the transcript of the original video with several additional sections to cover important topics such as brain inflammation, vaccination, antibiotic interventions, and more. The ebook includes many hyperlinks to provide direct access to important articles, news, and videos. NOTE that Dr Vasquez peer-reviewed many of these conclusions in an article he wrote published in the major big-league prestigious journal Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2017 Nov 1). See details and video here at ICHNFM.ORG/autism.
Book #1 Brain Inflammation in Chronic Pain, Migraine and Fibromyalgia: The Paradigm-Shifting Guide for Doctors and Patients Dealing with Chronic Pain: This book solves the mysteries of chronic pain disorders such as migraine and fibromyalgia by explaining that the "central sensitization" which makes the brain more sensitive to main signals is actually caused by inflammation within the brain. By understanding the 3 main components of brain inflammation -- pain, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction -- patients and doctors are able to understand and then treat these painful conditions with greater success; with this knowledge patients and doctors can implement the effective and successful treatment protocol, making customizations as needed per individual patient's unique profile/pattern. This version was previously published as Pain Revolution (full color), excerpted from Chapter 5 of "Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition" also published as a two-volume set as "Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Vol. 2: Protocols for Common Inflammatory Disorders." The updated cover image emphasizes the importance of the brain inflammation that underlies the "central sensitization" which makes the brain more sensitive to pain.
Book #2 Chiropractic Immune Nutrition against Viral Infections: Against Colds, Flu, Herpes, and Chronic Inflammation: An Evidence-Based Handbook and Research Review for Practical Use: This is the grayscale -- black and white printing -- discounted version of the full-color Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition. Grayscale printing allows this book to be provided at lower cost; color printing is obviously more expensive.
Book #3 Chiropractic Patient Assessment, Laboratory Interpretation, and Risk Management: Introduction to Inflammation Mastery and Functional Inflammology provides a brief and low-price introduction to the Inflammation Mastery series of books and videos, providing a detailed overview of history and common physical examination concepts, as well as very important details and clinical pearls for laboratory interpretation. With radiographs, photos, acronyms, illustrations, flowcharts, and detailed-yet-simplifying explanations, Dr Vasquez makes it easier than ever for clinicians to grasp important concepts in integrative care and functional medicine and then to translate the basic science research and molecular biology into treatment plans that can be explained and used in “the real world” of clinical practice with patients. The associated video tutorials and recorded live conference presentations further help students and clinicians “get it” via Dr Vasquez’s effective teaching style which embraces complexity while always emphasizing clinical applicability and psychosocial context. The Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology series of books and videos translates important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation, which Dr Vasquez describes as “patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction” existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic inflammation, 2) allergic inflammation, 3) autoimmune inflammation. This book includes limited access to Dr Vasquez’s presentation introducing the origin and components of the Functional Inflammology Protocol and FINDSEX® acronym.
eBook #1 Foundational Diet and Nutrition Protocol: Dr Vasquez’s Five-Part “Supplemented Paleo-Mediterranean Diet” and Beyond: Excerpted from Inflammation Mastery: This ebook excerpt from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition (ISBN 978-0990620488 / 0990620484) contains the basic diet and nutrition information from the first component of Dr Vasquez's "functional inflammology protocol" for the understanding and treatment of inflammatory diseases, categorized as 1) metabolic inflammation (hypertension, diabetes, migraine, fibromyalgia), 2) allergic inflammation (food allergy and asthma), and 3) autoimmune inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, SLE or lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, vasculitis, and other rheumatic diseases). This ebook version is embellished with colorful diagrams and text with hyperlinks to videos and full-text articles; as such, it is best viewed on a sufficiently large screen such as a computer/iPad/tablet in color. Minor corrections/addenda were added to the book on May 28, 2016.
eBook #2 Brain Inflammation in Chronic Pain, Migraine and Fibromyalgia: The Paradigm-Shifting Guide for Doctors and Patients Dealing with Chronic Pain (Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology) Kindle Edition.
eBook #3 Antiviral Nutrition: Against Colds, Flu, Herpes, AIDS, Hepatitis, Ebola, Dengue, and Autoimmunity: A Concept-Based and Evidence-Based Handbook and Research ... Practical Use (Inflammation Mastery series) Kindle Edition.
eBook #4 Mastering mTOR: Resveratrol, Reductive (Antioxidant) Therapies, and Restrictive Diets especially Relevant for Rheumatology.
eBook #5 Mitochondrial Nutrition for Optimal Health and Performance: The Streamlined Digital Companion excerpted from Dr Vasquez's Textbooks Kindle Edition: Updated Feb 2016: This is more than a simple ebook: DrV's "Mitochondrial Nutrition for Optimal Health and Performance" provides information within an overall context, links to videos (including more than 4 hours of Dr Vasquez's seminar presentations and instructional tutorials), links to full-text articles, and a complete mitochondrial protocol, including doses commonly used by doctors when treating adult patients. This "Streamlined Digital Companion" provides easy access to the dysmetabolism component (including mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic reticulum stress) as contextualized within the full clinical protocol published in Inflammation Mastery (discounted black/white printing; now Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition in 2016 with discount availability from ICHNFM.ORG) and Functional Inflammology (full-color printing); the associated presentation slides are included in the book Mitochondrial Nutrition, 2nd Ed.
eBook #6 Migraine and Headache Revolution: A focused excerpt from Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition (Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology) Kindle Edition: "Migraine and Headache Revolution" is a focused excerpt from "Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition", both published by the International College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine (ICHNFM.ORG). This e-book contains the most current version of Dr Vasquez's clinical protocol against migraine and cluster headaches; this protocol has been published in three previous versions and has been peer-reviewed by fellow doctors and clinicians.
eBook #7 Fibromyalgia Solution: Functional Medicine and Integrative Inflammology: Paradigm-Shifting System of Text, Images, and Video for Doctors and Patients. "Fibromyalgia Solution: Functional Medicine and Integrative Inflammology" is a focused excerpt from the 1,180-page textbook "Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition" published by International College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine (ICHNFM.ORG). In this new edition for 2016, Dr Vasquez provides radical and transformative updates to the protocols published in 2004, 2008, and 2014. Emphasis is placed on pathophysiologic explanations and therapeutic interventions.
eBook #8 Pain Revolution for Migraine and Fibromyalgia: A Three-Part Learning System of Text, Images, and Video: Complete protocol available in print (ISBN 1522951008) and digital (ASIN B01AR3NX0S); migraine-only digital (ASIN B01AS15XZW) and fibromyalgia-only digital (ASIN B01AS1ZKPA). PURPOSE & AUDIENCE: This book is written to provide essential information to doctors and patients dealing with chronic pain generally, migraine and fibromyalgia specifically. The information is also relevant for cluster headache, myofascial pain syndrome, and complex regional pain syndrome. With hundreds of citations to the biomedical research literature, this book provides unique insights into the causes of and solutions for migraine and fibromyalgia as prototypic pain disorders chiefly characterised by central sensitization, glial activation, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Clinicians and patients alike will gain insights that are immediately applicable for the treatment of these conditions. Importantly, the focus of Dr Vasquez’s Functional Inflammology Protocol is to skillfully address —in a structured manner— the underlying causes of pain and inflammation, not simply to alleviate pain/inflammation via drug dependency. This book details the pathophysiology and essential treatment components; additional explanations and updates are provided via video lectures and tutorials. DIGITAL: Ebook version will be published in January 2016. ABOUT THIS BOOK: This book is an excerpt from Chapter 5 of Dr Vasquez’s most recent 1,200-page textbook, Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition (2016). The information in this book has been developed over many years starting from Dr Vasquez’s teaching notes in Orthopedics and Rheumatology in 2000 and 2001, then in Integrative Orthopedics (2004, 2012), Musculoskeletal Pain: Expanded Clinical Strategies (Institute for Functional Medicine, 2008), Functional Medicine Rheumatology (2014), and Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Clinical Disease (2015). The digital version of the book contains the same colorized diagrams and is thus best viewed on a tablet computer (eg, iPad) or computer screen.
Support this work that benefits you. To bring you this work, our costs include websites, software, video hosting, press releases, massive amounts of faculty time for research, presentation, editing, curation, professional fees, certifications and accreditations...
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Overview (Part 1) of the Functional Inflammology Protocol
Dr Vasquez introduces the "Functional Inflammology Protocol" at the 2013 International Conference on Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine (PDF brochure)
Dr Vasquez's "functional inflammology protocol", famously recalled by the FINDSEX ® acronym, is reviewed in this presentation for its application to the three general types of inflammatory diseases/responses: 1) metabolic inflammation, including glial activation and emphasizing the component of mitochondrial dysfunction, 2) allergic inflammation, including asthma and eczema, and 3) autoimmune inflammation, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and the many other conditions that Dr Vasquez has detailed in his books starting in 2004 (Integrative Orthopedics) and 2006 (Integrative Rheumatology, now published as Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition).
Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition
Not simply a "book": 1,182 pages in color + more than 20 hours of video access
Discount via ICHNFM.ORG: US$170 plus shipping and handling (retail: US$250 plus shipping and handling)
Updates: Includes and bypasses everything from the previous editions published as Integrative Rheumatology (2), Naturopathic Rheumatology, Functional Inflammology and Functional Medicine Rheumatology; complete overhaul/expansion/update of the migraine and fibromyalgia protocols.
Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition provides everything from laboratory interpretation to the details of fatty acid biochemistry and mitochondrial dysfunction and hormonal imbalances/correction in one convenient location with a complete index. Also available as a two-volume set titled Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
Peer-reviewed: Yes, as you can see in the PDF sample on page 6; see also:
Vasquez, "Mitochondrial Nutrition in Primary Care" Integrative Med 2014
Vasquez, "Western Diet in Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases” Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2014
Vasquez, "Neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia and CRPS is multifactorial" Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2016; full-text is printed in the book
Vasquez, "The Clinical Importance of Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol): A Paradigm Shift with Implications for All Healthcare Providers" Altern Ther Health Med. 2004
Vasquez, "Understanding Functional Medicine by Appreciating the Web-like Interconnections of Physiologic Factors" Integrative Med 2006