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Administrators, Teaching Faculty, Reviewers & Editors
Alex Vasquez DC ND DO FACN, Chief Director and Editor
Biographical sketch: Dr Vasquez graduated from University of Western States (Doctor of Chiropractic), Bastyr University (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine), and University of North Texas Health Science Center (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) and has written approximately 100 articles, numerous audios and videos, and more than10 books. Dr Vasquez completed a PreDoctoral Research Fellowship funded by the US National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and has received numerous awards for teaching and leadership in functional/nutritional medicine. Dr Vasquez lectures to doctors and healthcare professionals internationally and has taught Pharmacology at University of Western States; he practices in Oregon as a naturopathic physician. Dr Vasquez worked with the Institute for Functional Medicine from 2003-2013, first as Forum Consultant, then as Faculty for the AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) course; Dr Vasquez formerly taught the Advance Practice Module (APM) "The Many Faces of Immune Dysregulation and Chronic Inflammation: Chronic Infections, Atopy, and Autoimmune Disorders" and now teaches for various groups, especially ICHNFM.
Books: Integrative Orthopedics (2005, 2007, 2012), Integrative Rheumatology (2007), Musculoskeletal Pain—Expanded Clinical Strategies (continuing medical education [CME] peer-reviewed monograph published by the Institute for Functional Medicine in 2008), Integrative Medicine and Functional Medicine for Hypertension (2011), Integrative Chiropractic Management of High Blood Pressure and Chronic Hypertension (2010, 2011), Integrative Orthopedics Third Edition (2012),Migraine Headaches, Hypothyroidism, and Fibromyalgia (2012), Chiropractic and Naturopathic Mastery of Clinical Disorders (2009), Functional Immunology and Nutritional Immunomodulation (2012), Fibromyalgia in a Nutshell (2012), Integrative Rheumatology, Nutritional Immunomodulation, and Functional Inflammology (2013).
More than 100 articles and letters: JAMA—Journal of the American Medical Association, BMJ—British Medical Journal, The, JAOA—Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Nutritional Perspectives, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, The Original Internist, Integrative Medicine, Holistic Primary Care, Nutritional Wellness, Dynamic Chiropractic, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology
Articles on
Articles on PubMed
Previous/Recent Editorial and Reviewer positions:
International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine (Editor)
Journal of Naturopathic Medicine (Former reviewer)
Autoimmune Diseases (Former reviewer)
Naturopathy Digest (Former editor)
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (Recent reviewer)
PLOS One: Public Library of Science One (Recent reviewer)
International Journal of Clinical Medicine (Recent reviewer)
Languages: English, Spanish
Sergio Abanades MS MD PhD, Research Director
Biographical sketch: new profile in progress--impressive record of work in clinical care, surgery, and research publications. MD--Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery, M.D., School of Medicine, University Complutense of Madrid (certificate issued by the Ministry of Health and Education, Madrid, 1999). PhD in Clinical Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona. Thesis, ‘Clinical Pharmacology and abuse potential of Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB)’. Masters Degree in Toxicology, University of Seville (Spain). Title issued by the University of Seville, Seville, 2007.
Publications -- partial listing:
Shotbolt P, Tziortzi AC, Searle GE, Colasanti A, van der Aart J, Abanades S, Plisson C, Miller SR, Huiban M, Beaver JD, Gunn RN, Laruelle M, Rabiner EA. Within-subject comparison of [(11)C]-(+)-PHNO and [(11)C]raclopride sensitivity to acute amphetamine challenge in healthy humans. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2012 Jan;32(1):127-36. doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2011.115. Epub 2011 Aug 31.
Duran M, Pérez E, Abanades S, Vidal X, Saura C, Majem M, Arriola E, Rabanal M, Pastor A, Farré M, Rams N, Laporte JR, Capellà D. Preliminary efficacy and safety of an oromucosal standardized cannabis extract in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Nov;70(5):656-63. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2010.03743.x.
Abanades S, van der Aart J, Barletta JA, Marzano C, Searle GE, Salinas CA, Ahmad JJ, Reiley RR, Pampols-Maso S, Zamuner S, Cunningham VJ, Rabiner EA, Laruelle MA, Gunn RN. Prediction of repeat-dose occupancy from single-dose data: characterisation of the relationship between plasma pharmacokinetics and brain target occupancy. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2011 Mar;31(3):944-52.
Pichini S, Farré M, Abanades S, Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Langohr K, de la Torre R.Immunomodulating properties of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), flunitrazepam and ethanol in'club drugs' users. Addict Biol. 2010 Jul;15(3):336-45. doi: 10.1111/j.1369-1600.2010.00210.x. Epub 2010 Apr 29.
O'Mathúna B, Farré M, Rostami-Hodjegan A, Yang J, Cuyàs E, Torrens M, Pardo R, Abanades S, Maluf S, Tucker GT, de la Torre R. The consequences of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine induced CYP2D6 inhibition in humans. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2008;28:523-9.
Martínez-Rodríguez JE, Munteis E, Carreño M, Blanco Y, Roquer J, Abanades S, Graus F, Saiz Cannabis use in Spanish patients with multiple sclerosis: Fulfilment of patients' expectations?. J Neurol Sci. 2008 ;273:103-7.
Farre M, Roset PN, Abanades S, Menoyo E, Alvarez Y, Rovira M, Baena A. Study of paracetamol 1-g oral solution bioavailability. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 2008;30:37-41.
de Sola LLopis S, Miguelez-Pan M, Peña-Casanova J, Poudevida S, Farré M, Pacifici R, Böhm P, Abanades S, Verdejo-García A, Zuccaro P, de la Torre R. Cognitive performance in recreational Ecstasy polydrug users: a two year follow up study. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2008;22:498-510.
Abanades S, Farré M, Barral D, Torrens M, Closas N, Langohr K, Pastor A and Rafael de la Torre. Relative abuse liability of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), flunitrazepam and ethanol in “Club Drug” users. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2007;27:625-638.
Farre M, Abanades S, Roset PN, Peiro A, O’Mahony B, Segura M, de la Torre R. Pharmacological Interaction Between 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) and Paroxetine: Pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetics. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2007;323:954-962.
Catafau AM, Bullich S, Danús M, Penengo MM, Cot A, Abanades S, Farré M, Pavía J, Ros D. Test-retest variability and reliability of (123)I-IBZM SPECT measurement of striatal dopamine D(2) receptor availability in healthy volunteers and influence of iterative reconstruction algorithms. Synapse. 2007;62:62-69.
Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Farré M, Poudevida S, Abanades S, Pichini S, Langohr K, Segura S, de la Torre R. Combined Immunomodulating Properties of MDMA and Cannabis in Humans. Addiction. 2007;102:931-6.
Abanades S, Farré M, Segura M, Pichini S, Pastor A, Pacifici R, Pellegrini M, de la Torre R. Disposition of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid in conventional and nonconventional biologic fluids after single drug administration: issues in methodology and drug monitoring. Ther Drug Monit. 2007;29:64-70.
Abanades S, Pardo-Lozano R, Farré M. New insights on cefepime associated neurotoxicity. Pharmacotherapy 2007; 27: e1-e2.
Abanades S, Farré M, Segura M, Pichini S, Barral D, Pacifici R, Pellegrini M, Fonseca F, Langohr K, De La Torre R. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in humans: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006;1074:559-76.
Abanades S, Farré M. Multiple sclerosis and Cannabinoids. electronic response. British Medical Journal. 2006. consulted 22-09-06.
Catafau AM, Danus M, Bullich S, Nucci G, Llop J, Abanades S, Cunningham VJ,. Eersels J.L.H, Pavia J, Farre M. Characterization of the SPECT 5-HT2A Receptor Ligand 123I-R91150 in Healthy Volunteers: Part 2—Ketanserin Displacement. J Nucl Med. 2006;47:929-937.
Pichini S, Abanades S, Farre M, Pellegrini M, Marchei E, Pacifici R, Torre RD, Zuccaro P. Quantification of the plant-derived hallucinogen Salvinorin A in conventional and non-conventional biological fluids by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry after Salvia divinorum smoking. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2005;19:1649-1656.
Abanades S, Farré M. Out of body experiences: beyond the anatomical basis. electronic response. British Medical Journal. 2004. consulted 14-03-05.
Weinbrenner T, Fito M, Torre Rd Rde L, Saez GT, Rijken P, Tormos C, Coolen S, Albaladejo MF, Abanades S, Schroder H, Marrugat J, Covas MI.Olive oils high in phenolic compounds modulate oxidative/antioxidative status in men. J Nutr. 2004;134:2314-2321.
de la Torre R, Farre´ M, Roset PN, Pizarro N, Abanades S, Segura M, Segura J, Camı´J. Human Pharmacology of MDMA: Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, and Disposition. Ther Drug Monit.2004;26:137–144.
Abanades S, Nolla J, Rodriguez-Campello A, Pedro C, Valls A, Farre M. Reversible coma secondary to cefepime neurotoxicity. Ann Pharmacother. 2004;38:606-608.
Abanades S, Farré M. Guidelines for anecdotes might include more information. BMJ. 2003;327:290.
Abanades S, Iglesias ML, Echarte JL, Puig Dou J, Roset PN, Farré M. Gammahydroxibutirate: A novel toxicological emergency. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 2001;23:326.
Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan
Nick Karapasas DC, Programs Assistant
Biographical sketch: Dr. Nick Karapasas graduated from New York Chiropractic College. He was one of the only chiropractic physicians in the United States selected to complete all of his clinical training at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. He is currently in private practice in Manchester, CT. His focus is to help his patients achieve optimal health and vitality by restoring the natural balance to both mind and body. His areas of interest include orthopedics, functional gastrointestinal health, systemic inflammation, autoimmune disorders and chronic cardiovascular conditions.
Biographical sketch: Dr. Jeffrey A. Ruterbusch is a retired United States Naval Physician who specializes in "Sports and Exercise Preventive Medicine". Prior to attending medical school, Dr. Ruterbusch was a Naval Aerospace Physiologist where he was an exercise physiologist specializing in exercise science as it pertained to increasing pilots and aircrewman tolerance to G-induced loss-of-consciousness in tactical jet aircraft. He attended medical school on the United States Health Professions Scholarship Program and then did his Internal Medicine internship at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. After serving several operational medicine tours with the United States Marine Corps in Okinawa, Japan and the United States Navy as a Naval Flight Surgeon in Pensacola and Jacksonville, Florida, he attended the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University where he was the Chief Resident in the SEPM program. The last twelve years of his naval career were spent as a sports medicine physician where he practiced primarily physical medicine and rehabilitation. it was during his years as a sports medicine physician that he developed his passion for sports nutrition and orthomolecular/functional medicine. Since his retirement from the military over three years ago he has pursued other post-graduate certifications/credentials in sports and general nutrition, age-management medicine, and physiological regulating medicine. He has acquired Associate Professor status at Central Michigan University, College of Graduate Studies, where he has taught graduate courses in health-services administration. He has also served on a number of special advisory boards for sports supplement companies, strength and fitness associations, and has edited nutrition books for McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. He is a certified functional medicine practitioner, a certified nutrition specialist, and a Diplomate of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition. He has been the Chief Medical Officer at the Clover Medical Center in Al Jabrya, Kuwait in charge of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Metabolic/Nutritional Medicine. Over the past two years he has been the Medical Director of two Rehabilitation and Wellness Clinics in Jacksonville, and Tallahassee, Florida.
Atanas G. Atanasov PhD
Biographical sketch: Dr. Atanasov is a senior researcher at Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Vienna, Austria. He was involved in the execution of the Austrian national network “Drugs From Nature Targeting Inflammation” (DNTI, 2008-2014), a collaborative research project which has been financed with >$3,000,000 Euro from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to support the identification and characterization of plant-derived natural products counteracting inflammatory responses. Dr. Atanasov has also been appointed as a beneficiary member and actively contributed to the European Commission 7th Framework Program (FP7) network consortium “Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine (GP-TCM)”. In recognition of his overall achievements, Dr. Atanasov has been awarded in 2012 with “Focus of Excellence” fellowship by the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna. His research interests broadly cover molecular medicine, characterization of the regulation of physiological responses in health and disease, and study of bioactive compounds and molecular targets suitable for therapeutic interventions. Dr. Atanasov has published >60 peer-reviewed publications (h-index >20). In addition to traditional ways for scientific dissemination (research publications, conference contributions), Dr. Atanasov has been very successful in respect of direct science communication in the Social Media (Klout score >70).
Full CV:
Publications: Full list of publications (>60) in PubMed:
Full list of Editorial and Reviewer assignments (for >20 journals):
Languages: English, German, Bulgarian, Russian
Kenneth Cintron MD
Biographical sketch: Dr. Cintron is an active Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. He graduated from the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine in 1990 and completed his training in Orthopaedic Surgery Residency in 1995. He fulfilled a Foot and Ankle Surgery Fellowship at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia in 1996. Dr. Cintron is Board Certified in Anti-Aging, Preventative, Regenerative and Functional Medicine and an Advanced Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. As a former owner an operator of BodylogicMD of Puerto Rico he dedicated his practice to helping women and men overcome health challenges associated with aging, using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) integrated with customized nutrition and fitness programs. He is author and co-author of several published articles related to both Orthopaedic Surgery and Integrative Medicine. During his career he has worked as Team Physician of professional basketball, baseball and volleyball teams as well as in Central American and Panamerican Games and 1996 Olympics. He is past President of the Puerto Rico Orthopaedic State Society and former member of the Board Of Councilors of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Languages: English, Spanish
Michael J. Gonzalez MS MHSN DSc PhD FACN
Biographical sketch: Dr. Michael J. Gonzalez is Professor at the Nutrition Program, School of Public Health in the Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico. He earned a Bachelor Degree in Biology and Chemistry (Catholic University), a Masters in Cellular Biology and Biophysics (Nova University), and another Masters in Nutrition and Public Health (University of P.R.). He has a Doctorate in Nutritional Medicine (John F. Kennedy University). He also has a Doctorate in Health Sciences (Lafayette University), and another Doctorate in Nutritional Biochemistry and Cancer Biology (Michigan State University). He completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Geriatrics at the School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico. Dr. Gonzalez is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, and has authored over 150 scientific publications. He has serve as a member on several scientific journal Editorial Boards, such as Biomedicina, the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, and Alternative Medicine Reviews. As a consultant for several companies, he has been responsible for designing formulations of nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical products. He has been a consultant for The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning (now Riordan Clinic), in Wichita, Kansas. He has obtained several research awards for his work on Nutrition and Cancer. He is currently Co- Director of RECNAC II project, and Research Director of the InBioMed Project Initiative. Dr. Gonzalez also serves as a nutrition consultant to the Puerto Rican Basketball National Team and is part of the Medical Commission of the Puerto Rican Basketball Federation. Doctor González and Dr. Jorge Miranda-Massari, founders of InBioMed, are leaders in the development of non-toxic chemotherapy treatments for cancer. The findings of their work with Intravenous Vitamin C as an anti-cancer agent, published in 2002, were confirmed by the NIH in 2005. They published the first Phase-I clinical study utilizing Intravenous Vitamin C for treatment of terminal cancer patients in 2005, and also published in 2005 the most comprehensive review on Vitamin C and Cancer, as a follow-up on the work of two times Nobel Laureate, Dr. Linus C. Pauling. They have brought many new concepts into the field, such as the Bioenergetic theory of carcinogenesis, the systemic saturation phenomenon of intravenous vitamin C, the metabolic correction concept for disease treatment and prevention. in 2015, Dr Gonzalez was appointed to the North American Dietary Supplements Advisory Board.
Book: Drs Gonzalez, Miranda-Massari, Saul’s. I Have Cancer What Should I Do: The Orthomolecular Guide to Cancer Management provides evidence-based recommendations for an integrative approach for those dealing with cancer and seeking to improve quality of life and survival.
2012 landmark publication: Gonzalez MJ, et al. The bio-energetic theory of carcinogenesis. Med Hypotheses. 2012 Oct;79(4):433-9 The altered energy metabolism of tumor cells provides a viable target for a non toxic chemotherapeutic approach. An increased glucose consumption rate has been observed in malignant cells. Warburg (Nobel Laureate in medicine) postulated that the respiratory process of malignant cells was impaired and that the transformation of a normal cell to malignant was due to defects in the aerobic respiratory pathways. Szent-Györgyi (Nobel Laureate in medicine) also viewed cancer as originating from insufficient availability of oxygen. Oxygen by itself has an inhibitory action on malignant cell proliferation by interfering with anaerobic respiration (fermentation and lactic acid production). Interestingly, during cell differentiation (where cell energy level is high) there is an increased cellular production of oxidants that appear to provide one type of physiological stimulation for changes in gene expression that may lead to a terminal differentiated state. The failure to maintain high ATP production (high cell energy levels) may be a consequence of inactivation of key enzymes, especially those related to the Krebs cycle and the electron transport system. A distorted mitochondrial function (transmembrane potential) may result. This aspect could be suggestive of an important mitochondrial involvement in the carcinogenic process in addition to presenting it as a possible therapeutic target for cancer. Intermediate metabolic correction of the mitochondria is postulated as a possible non-toxic therapeutic approach for cancer.
Languages: English, Spanish
Deanna Minich PhD FACN CNS
Biographical sketch: Dr. Minich has a unique approach to clinical medicine based in a combination of physiology and psychology. She has trained in functional medicine for the past decade with the “father of functional medicine,” Dr. Jeffrey Bland, as her mentor, and has served on the Nutrition Advisory Board for the Institute of Functional Medicine. Her academic background is in nutritional science, including a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Illinois at Chicago (1995), and a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences (Nutrition) from the University of Groningen in The Netherlands (1999). In conjunction with her academic degrees and extensive teaching experience at the university level, she is both a Fellow (F.A.C.N.) and a Certified Nutrition Specialist (C.N.S.) through the American College of Nutrition and has received education in functional medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine. Dr. Minich has over ten years of experience working in both the food and dietary supplement industries with her last position as Vice President of Scientific Affairs at Metagenics, Inc., in which she was responsible for global product launches in addition to serving as a teaching clinician for international audiences of healthcare practitioners. She currently leads educational outreach as Vice President of Education at the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute, which involves coordination of cutting-edge information and collaboration with opinion leaders in the personalized lifestyle medicine field, along with her role as adjunct faculty at the University of Western States, Bastyr University, Institute for Functional Medicine, and the Maryland University of Integrative Health. She is the author of five books on nutrition, wellness, and psychology, and is passionate in helping others to live well using therapeutic lifestyle changeBooks: Essential Fatty Acid Absorption and Metabolism (1999); Chakra Foods for Optimum Health: A Guide to the Foods that can Improve Your Energy, Inspire Creative Changes, Open Your Heart, and Heal Body, Mind, and Spirit (Conari Press, 2009); An A-Z Guide to Food Additives (Conari Press, 2009); Quantum Supplements: A Total Health and Wellness Makeover with Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs (Conari Press, 2010); The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing: An A-Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments (Conari Press, 2011).
More than 20 scientific publications: Journal of Lipid Research; American Journal of Clinical Research; Nutrition Reviews; Journal of Clinical Lipidology; Biochimica Biophysica Acta; Gastroenterology; American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology; Pediatric Research; Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology; Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders; Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism; Journal of Medicinal Food.
Ryan Bradley ND MPH
Biographical sketch: Dr. Ryan Bradley is a practicing naturopathic doctor, clinical researcher and cardiovascular epidemiologist. He is currently an Associate Professor at the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR and an Affiliate Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. He also practices at Guarneri Integrative Health in La Jolla, CA, where he specializes in integrative approaches to treating type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease. Prior to entering private practice, he served as Core Clinical Faculty, Research Faculty and the Director of the Bastyr Center for Diabetes & Cardiovascular Wellness from 2005-13. Dr. Bradley has published his research in leading peer-reviewed medical journals including: Atherosclerosis, the Canadian Medical Association Journal(CMAJ) and Diabetes Care. He is a frequently invited speaker for naturopathic and integrative medicine organizations and he has presented on the benefits of integrative care for diabetes and heart disease at American Diabetes Association, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, and the International Diabetes Federation. In addition to research publications, Dr. Bradley co-authored the Food User Manual, a patient guide to heart-healthy diet choices. He currently serves on the Diabetes Advisory Board for Prevention Magazine.
Jill Carnahan MD
Biographical sketch: Dr. Carnahan completed her residency at the University of Illinois Program in Family Medicine at Methodist Medical Center. In 2006 she was voted by faculty to receive the Resident Teacher of the Year award and elected to Central Illinois 40 Leaders Under 40. She received her medical degree from Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago and her Bachelor of Science degree in Bio-Engineering at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. She is dually board-certified in Family Medicine (ABFM) and Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM). She was also part of the first 100 health-care practitioners to be certified in Functional Medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFMCP). In 2008, Dr. Carnahan’s vision for health and healing resulted in the creation of Methodist Center for Integrative Medicine in Peoria, IL where she served as the Medical Director for 2 years. In 2010, she founded Flatiron Functional Medicine in Boulder, Colorado where she practices functional medicine with medical partner, Dr. Robert Rountree. Dr. Carnahan is also 13-year survivor of breast cancer and Crohn’s disease and passionate about teaching patients how to “live well” and thrive in the midst of complex and chronic illness. She is also committed to teaching other physicians how to address underlying cause of illness rather than just treating symptoms through the principles of functional medicine. She is a prolific writer, speaker, and loves to infuse others with her passion for health and healing!
Languages: English, Spanish
David H Haase MD
Biographical sketch: Dr. Haase graduated from Calvin College (BS Biology), Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (MD) subsequently training and practicing at the Mayo Clinic becoming board certified in both Family and Integrative Holistic Medicine. He is the founder of the MaxWell Clinic for Proactive Medicine, CMO of the LifeStrive Group and CMO of Evoke Neuroscience. He holds certifications in Health Coaching, Nutrition, and Neurofeedback. Dr. Haase is faculty for the University of South Florida Medical School’s Master’s program in Nutritional and Metabolic Medicine and for Western States University’s Master’s program for Functional and Nutritional Medicine with the area of emphasis for each being Functional Neurophysiology. He is a reviewer for the Textbook of Functional Medicine and a reviewer for Alternative Medicine Reviews. Dr. Haase is a co-founder of the non-profit "" where high-school youth learn to live health-response-able and world-response-able lives via a curriculum of small-group learning, organic gardening, and community service.
Jorge R Miranda-Massari DrPh
Biographical sketch: Professor at the School of Pharmacy in the Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico, and a Registered Pharmacist. He earned two bachelor degrees at the University of Puerto Rico, one in Science and another in Pharmacy. After earning a Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, he completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Pharmacokinetics at the University of North Carolina. He obtained Post-Doctoral training in Pharmaceutical Care in Nephrology from the University of Pittsburgh, and another one in Clinical Anti-Coagulation from the Medical College of Virginia. Author of numerous scientific publications including editorials, reviews and research data in peer review journals, Dr. Miranda-Massari is a consultant for the prestigious Center for the Improvement for the Human Functioning, in Wichita, Kansas.. Welcome aboard, Dr Miranda-Massari: biography update in progress!
Language(s): English, Spanish
Annette J. D'Armata NMD
Biographical sketch: Dr. D'Armata earned a B.A. in Communication from the University of St. Thomas, studied graduate Sociology at the University of Houston, and earned a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine with honors from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences. While at SCNM, she obtained additional clinical training in the integrative treatment of mental illness under Katherine Raymer, MD, ND, was asked to teach neuroanatomy as assistant to Thomas Richards, PhD, and was honored with an Outstanding Leadership award by her faculty and colleagues. Fluent in Spanish, Dr. D'Armata volunteered to intern with Adelfo Yescas, M.D. (Internal Medicine), on rotation at Hospital San Martin in Oaxaca and at General Regional Hospital No. 25 in Mexico City, working with patients with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, infectious disease and advanced cancers. She was offered a post-doctoral residency in naturopathic internal medicine in Fairbanks, Alaska and, upon completion, went on to open and run a successful, multi-practitioner clinic serving that community for three years. She is the author of "Dr. D'Armata's Top Ten Tips for Immediately Improving Your Health," a practical health primer for adults. Dr. D'Armata has been a frequent guest lecturer on radio, in health facilities and in the community, presenting: "Integrative Approaches to Autoimmune Conditions," "Inflammatory Breast Cancer: An Integrative Case Report," "Clinically Effective Natural Treatment of Infectious Diseases," "Neuropsychiatric Effects of Gluten Sensitivity," "Naturopathic Care of Older Adults," "Integrative First Aid" and "Natural Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder." Additionally, she has provided medical review and editing for various texts by Dr. Alex Vasquez. Dr. D'Armata is in private practice in Tempe, Arizona, specializing in psychoneuroimmunology. She has proposed original research on obsessive compulsive disorder using Quantitative EEG and Low Resolution Brain Tomography (LORETA). Dr. D'Armata is an active member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. (OncANP).
Language(s): English, Spanish
Ismael Samudio PhD
Biographical sketch: After several years of research at the world-famous MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston Texas, Dr Samudio is currently Associate Professor Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry, School of Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – Bogotá, Colombia. Attending the same high school in Georgia with Dr Vasquez, Dr Samudio graduated in 1991 from Riverside Military Academy, then earned his B.S. in Biochemistry and Genetics – Texas A&M University and his Ph.D. in Genetics – Texas A&M University. He is trained in biochemistry, molecular genetics, cytometry, microscopy, immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, mammalian tissue culture, and organic chemistry. Isolation, culture and characterization of adult stem cells. His main interests include: Apoptosis, metabolism, signal transduction, and gene regulation. Metabolic alterations in cancer cells and cancer initiating (stem, progenitor) cells, and how these alterations contribute to disease recurrence and progression. Development/identification of chemical sstructures as novel chemotherapeutic agents. Development of in vitro systems that mimic the bone marrow microenvironment. Physiology of the normal and leukemic bone marrow. Cellular therapy and regenerative medicine. Adult Stem cells.
Language(s): English, Spanish
Tim Jackson DPT CNS
Biographical sketch: Dr. Tim Jackson received his undergraduate degree in Health science and chemistry from Wake Forest University in 2003. He completed his Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) from the Medical University of SC in 2009. He is certified in the Spine portion of Active Release Technique. Realizing that manual therapy and orthopedic care helped only some of his patients, he began studying functional and environmental medicine, as well as digestive health, in an effort to help others achieve wellness. He is working to complete his Certified Nutritional Specialist(CNS) Certification. Tim incorporates many areas of health into his work, especially epigenetics, functional endocrinology, and biotoxin-related illnesses.
Jerry L. Bailey II, BAA, DC, CAc, FIAMA, MS
Biographical sketch: Dr Bailey is in full-time practice in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and Liberty Lake, Washington since 2000 and currently specializing in mitochondrial dysfunction, nutrition and performance in endurance sports, neuroendocrine dysfunction, digestive disorders and family practice. His degrees include Bachelor of Applied Arts in Health and Fitness in Rehabilitative and Prescriptive Programming, Human Nutrition and Coaching from Central Michigan University, Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture, and Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and Doctor of Chiropractic from University of Western States.
Tariq Shafi MD
Biographical sketch: A medical doctor in integrative practice for many years, Dr Shafi has administered tens of thousands of patient encounters and therapeutic interventions ranging from diet advice to intravenous nutrient therapy. Dr Shafi and Dr Vasquez worked together in the same health center for 6 years. Dr Shafi also speaks four languages (English, Spanish, Urdu, Punjabi) and has helped with the international translation of Dr Vasquez's books.
Language(s): English, Spanish, Urdu, Punjabi
Biographical sketch: Dr. Bartemus graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic and has had a passion for educating lay people and practitioners about the importance of a Functional Medicine approach toward healthcare. He has created over 100 videos on various health topics, blogs frequently, and has a podcast dedicated to covering hot topics in healthcare from a functional medicine perspective. Dr. Bartemus is board certified in Integrative Medicine through the American Academy of Integrative Medicine. He is board eligible for the Diplomate of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition. He is a graduate of the American Functional Neurology Institute. Dr. Bartemus has taught continuing education for various practitioner groups, including the topics of Paleo Nutrition and Cancer for the Electrolysis Association of North Carolina; as well as teaching on the Microbiome and the Role of the Chiropractor in the Obesity Epidemic at the CE weekend held yearly by Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Bartemus is a member of the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation, the International Association of NeuroMetabolic Practitioners, the Paleo Physicians Network, the International Chiropractic Association (ICA), and the ICA Council on Wellness Science. He has been in private practice since 2009 and focuses on partnering with patients with chronic conditions to optimize health and quality of life through a functional medicine and functional neurology integrated approach.
Joseph Iaccino DC MSc
Biographical sketch: Joseph Iaccino is a Doctor of Chiropractic and a nutritional consultant. He is currently finishing an additional masters degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. He is also working on a coaching certification through USA Cycling. Dr. Iaccino is detail-oriented and has a strong focus on reviewing and editing articles.
Dorothy D. Zeviar EdD LAc MPH CPH (MSc candidate)
Biographical sketch: Improve people’s quality-of-life, and help reduce the financial, physiologic and emotional burdens of health, safety and preparedness. Welcome aboard, Dr Z: biography update in progress!
Pedro Carrera Bastos MA MS (PhD candidate in Medical Sciences at Lund University, Sweden)
Biographical sketch: Pedro Bastos is a Portuguese Nutrition researcher and PhD candidate in Medical Sciences, holding an MSc in Human Nutrition and three Post-graduate Diplomas (Clinical Nutrition; Functional Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine; Health & Exercise Science). He lectures extensively to health professionals on topics related to Nutrition across Europe, USA and Latin America and has authored and co-authored 12 scientific papers. Best known for being an expert in milk and milk-associated immune dysfunction and allergy.
Recent publications: Coauthor of scientific paper "The Western Diet and Lifestyle and Diseases of Civilization", which is already the most viewed paper of Dove Press:
Language(s): English, Spanish, Portuguese
Maelan Fontes MS (PhD candidate in Medical Sciences at Lund University, Sweden)
Biographical sketch: Physical Therapist, Master in Science in Human Nutrition and Food Quality, PhD scandidate in Medical Sciences, Researcher at the Center for Primary Health Care Research, Lund University, Sweden. Lecturer in several postgraduate courses in Spain and Portugal, Author of peer-reviewed papers on evolutionary nutrition. Focused on Food and Western Disease from an evolutionary perspective.
Recent publications: Coauthor of scientific paper "The Western Diet and Lifestyle and Diseases of Civilization", which is already the most viewed paper of Dove Press:
Languages: English, Spanish
Oscar Picazo MSc (PhD candidate in Human Nutrition at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Biographical sketch: Oscar Picazo obtained an MSc in Chemistry at the Universidad de Alcala (Spain),a Certi-ficate in Chemistry at the University of Sussex at Brighton (UK), an MSc in Computatio-nal Chemistry (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), and MSc in Occupational Health (Uni-versidad de Valladolid). After several year of research experience in organic chemistry, nanotechnology and medicinal chemistry, and working as an occupational health consul-tant, he become interested in nutrition and biochemistry. He is now PhD candidate in Human Nutrition at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and taking the degree to become certified nutritionist. He has published several papers in peer reviewed journals and lectures in postgraduates courses in nutrition. Topics of interest are the nutrition-autoimmune disease link, gut flora and endotoxemia, and the evolutionary approach to nutrition.
Recent publications: Google scholar profile
Languages: English, Spanish
Terri Ward CPA (MS candidate)
Biographical sketch: Terri Ward is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified Public Accountant and student in the Masters of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine program at the University of Western States. Terri has an excellent eye for detail and is a very talented reviewer.
Sayer Ji BA
Biographical sketch: Sayer Ji is a widely recognized researcher, author, and presenter, Steering Committee Member of the Global GMO Free Coalition (GGFC), an advisory board member of the National Health Federation, and Fearless Parent, and the founder of the world's most widely referenced, evidence-based natural health resource of its kind. He founded in 2008 in order to provide the world an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. Sayer's work has been published in various online and print publications, including Truthout, The Wellbeing Journal, Pathways Connect,, The Journal of Gluten Sensitivity. Sayer attended Rutgers University, where he studied under the American philosopher Dr. Bruce W. Wilshire, with a focus on the philosophy of science, receiving a BA degree in Philosophy in 1995. In 1996, following residency at the Zen Mountain Monastery in upstate New York, he embarked on a 5 year journey of service as a counselor-teacher and wilderness therapy specialist for various organizations serving underprivileged and/or adjudicated populations, from the Princeton-Blairstown Center (NJ), the Mayhew Foundation (NH) and Eckerd Youth Alternatives (FL). Since 2003, Sayer has served as a patient advocate and an educator and consultant for the natural products industry and health and wellness field.
Julie Jean BS BSN RN
Biographical sketch: Julie's nursing background is in functional medicine, ER, post-anesthesia care, wound care, and cardiac stepdown. She is studying the application of botanicals in functional medicine and has a keen interest in helping to make FM accessible to the wider population. Julie has bachelor degrees in Nursing and Geology from Michigan State University. She is working on attaining her Master of Science in Nursing degree from the family nurse practitioner track at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.
Language(s): English, Mandarin
Thomas Easley, Registered Herbalist (American Herbalist Guild)
Biographical sketch: Thomas Easley is a Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild, author and teacher. Thomas integrates modern science and Traditional Western Herbalism into a unified and systematic approach to health and healing. He utilizes herbs from all over the world, including Ayuveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, but focuses on the deep and rich tradition of Western Herbalism. Thomas emphasizes using foods as primary medicine and uses intensive diets as well as stress reduction techniques, nutritional supplements, and exercise to help people achieve their health goals. Thomas believes that herbal medicine has the potential to change the world. Unfortunately, much of what is taught about herbs and nutritional supplements is driven by marketing and is not based in tradition or science. Thomas’s approach draws on his extensive clinical experience, which spans 14 years of full-time practice and over 10,000 clients.
Mathieu Bouchard, independent researcher and traditional naturopath practicing in Canada
Biographical sketch: After starting his adventure in the fitness industry, Mr. Bouchard is now working at is own Naturopathic Clinic in Montréal, Québec. He is also the founder of Institut AAT, a continuing education institute to help trainers, naturopaths or any health related profession in having a better understanding of the holistic approach. His journey in functional medicine started in 2013 and the creation of his first seminar on how to understand and address "adrenal fatigue". Seeing that the body has a lot of mixed patterns, he then registered at the Functional Medicine University to start his education in the functional approach of medicine. Now more familiar with the medical part of the holistic approach, Mr. Bouchard works with his colleagues at improving natural healthcare. Mathieu helps IJHNFM with the French translations of our publications.
Language(s): English and French