Fix your Fibromyalgia with Dr Vasquez's Updated Protocol
Original CME publication and validation in 2008: Monograph commissioned and accredited for continuing medical education (CME) by the...

Pesticide (including Glyphosate) Exposure with Neurologic Dysfunction and Disease (including Parkins
Quote: "Case reports have described Parkinson disease in individuals exposed to OPs; to herbicides including glyphosate, paraquat, and...

Nutritional ignorance in medicine: Critique of the garbage published in Journal of Pediatrics on glu
Article being reviewed: Norelle R. Reilly, MD. The Gluten-Free Diet: Recognizing Fact, Fiction, and Fad. Journal of Pediatrics 2016 in...

BRAIN INFLAMMATION BLOG #2: The Hijacking of Fibromyalgia
I was right in 2008 and 2011: In 2008, I published the first (to my knowledge) integrated model of fibromyalgia in a CME monograph...

How are you managing MTOR in patients with pain, inflammation, and autoimmunity?
2016: Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition contains the entire antiviral protocol, plus additional sections in mitochondrial nutrition and...

Stop using terms such as "environmental toxins" and start using accurate language to descr
Comment on: "Association of Environmental Toxins With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis" by Su et al in JAMA Neurolology May 09, 2016...

FREE Videos on Viral Infections and "Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition" (6 videos,
Availability—exact same material: 2016: Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition contains the entire antiviral protocol, plus additional...

The Music of My Medicine: Part 1, An Initial Outline Catalyzed by A Recent Influence
Over the course of many years of work, experience, and reflection, I have increasing clarity and appreciation regarding the nonacademic...

BOOK REVIEW: Dr Sussana Czeranko's "Vaccination and Naturopathic Medicine"
We receive Dr Czeranko's book "Vaccination and Naturopathic Medicine" with urgent necessity as we witness pro-vaccine hysteria rage...

Understanding "dysbiosis" and extending the concept to viruses for "viral dysbiosis&q
Previous work: I accept credit for pioneering many important ideas and concepts in the study of microbial dysbiosis; I published these...