Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition = 1200 pages + 30h video: Efficient and Effective Treatment of a Wide Range of Common Diseases based on DrV's Functional Inflammology Protocol (video) and Expert-level medical-clinical integration (video).
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Purchase directly from our publisher, via the hyperlinks provided below using discounts when available, or for ease and overnight shipping choose for all books published by International College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. For the bigger books of 700, 900, upto 1200 pages, the best discount is only via ICHNFM.ORG's bookstore.
For DrV's books, a bit of orientation is helpful: Basically, these books are built on a core of information (Functional Inflammology, volume 1) which is continuously expanded and updated. Because everything is structured, the best approach is to understand the overall structure of the material:
Chapter 1: Clinical Approach: Very important concepts in patient assesment, laboratory tests and interpretation, risk management; also includes two clinical sections on two common conditions: 1) iron overload, and 2) hypothyroidism, assesment and treatment of both. Started in 2004 with Integrative Orthopedics, continuously updated, and most recently revised in 2014.
Chapter 2: Wellness Promotion and Healthy Living: A complete review of "wellness promotion" and healthy living. Started in 2004 with Integrative Orthopedics, continuously updated, and most recently revised in 2014.
Chapter 3: Integrative pain management: Started in 2004 with Integrative Orthopedics,continuously updated, and most recently revised in 2014.
Chapter 4: Functional Inflammology: This is the "mother lode" or "full monte" of the functional inflammology protocol, wherein everything is detailed to the molecular level and clinical implementation, including dosages. Started in 2006 with Integrative Rheumatology, continuously updated, and most recently revised in 2015.
Chapters 1-4: Functional Inflammology, volume 1 (700 pages)
Stand-alone excerpt of Chapter 4: Inflammation and Autoimmune Solutions: Seven Keys of the Updated FINDSEX Protocol: Second Edition in Color
Update 2014: Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition
Update 2015: Mastering mTOR (ebook)
Update 2015: Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Human Disease (CE monograph)
Update 2015: Section on fibromyalgia is updated to include discussion and detailing of glial activation
Chapter 5: Clinical Applications: Initially this Chapter began as a compilation of the clinical sections from Integrative Rheumatology and Inflammation Mastery (2006-2014) and later grew -- in 2015 -- to include sections from Chiropractic and Naturopathic Mastery of Common Clinical Disorders, specifically the sections on Hypertension (previously published as a seprate book Functional Medicine for Chronic Hypertension), Diabetes, Migraine, Allergy and Asthma. The absolute limit of the publisher is 1200 pages per book, and this book uses that full capacity of publication.
Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition (2015): this is the new "master textbook" of the updated information and protocols
Availbility: Will be available in mid-November 2015
Textbook: Approximately 1200 pages, containing Functional Inflammology, volume 1 and Rheumatology v3, plus updates and additions as described above.
Naturopathic Rheumatology and Integrative Inflammology v3.5 (2014)
Textbook: 900 pages in color with images and videos access; Naturopathic Rheumatology contains all of Functional Inflammology + 200 pages more covering Rheumatology + antiviral protocol
Brief description: Naturopathic Rheumatology and Integrative Inflammology-Edition 3.5 combines the recently updated Functional Inflammology and Dr Vasquez's previous Integrative Rheumatology into a new colorized updated textbook of 900 pages. This work is the culmination of several thousand research publications combined with Dr Vasquez's many years of clinical experience and teaching graduate-level students and doctorate-level clinicians worldwide. With radiographs, photos, acronyms, illustrations, flowcharts, and detailed-yet-simplifying explanations, Dr Vasquez makes it easier than ever for clinicians to grasp important concepts in integrative care and functional medicine and then to translate the basic science research and molecular biology into treatment plans that can be explained and used in "the real world" of clinical practice with patients. The associated video tutorials and recorded live conference presentations further help students and clinicians "get it" via Dr Vasquez's effective teaching style which embraces complexity while always emphasizing clinical applicability and psychosocial context. The Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology series of books and videos translates important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation, which Dr Vasquez describes as "patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction" existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic inflammation, 2) allergic inflammation, 3) autoimmune inflammation. This book includes access to video presentations which introduce the origin and components of the Functional Inflammology Protocol and FINDSEX® acronym. Post-publication updates to this information and important social and clinical contextualization are made available in videos and online repositories (access provided in the book), and the e-newsletter available from InflammationMastery and This textbook also provides access, via reprints or hyperlinks, to Dr Vasquez's published articles-an example of which is his recent paradigm-shifting editorial published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (2014 January). The updated section on pain management allows students and clinicians to understand and apply manual, pharmacologic, nutritional and botanical medicine treatments for musculoskeletal pain, thereby providing better relief for patients and avoiding the hazards of NSAIDs, coxibs, steroids, opioids, immunosuppressants/immunoparalytics and biologics.
Purchase link: For best discount, purchase above from ICHNFM. Discount: Available only via ICHNFM
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Functional Inflammology, Volume 1: Clinical Nutrition, Functional Medicine, and Integrative Pain Management for Disorders of Sustained Inflammation (2014)
Textbook: 700 pages in color with images and videos access; Naturopathic Rheumatology contains all of Functional Inflammology + 200 pages more covering Rheumatology + antiviral protocol
Brief description: A Three-Part Learning System of Text, Slides, and Video Providing Access to more than 14 Hours of Video Presentations and Tutorials.
Purchase link: For best discount, purchase above from ICHNFM. Discount: Available only via ICHNFM
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Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Clinical Disease (2015)
Brief description: FULL-COLOR PRINTING: About this book and series: This book—first in the series on microbiome and dysbiosis—contains the study notes, text, diagrams, explanations, and sample examination questions for the online continuing education course series “Human Microbiome and Dysbiosis in Clinical Disease” described at ICHNFM.ORG/cme. Reading of this book is necessary for successful completion of the continuing education activities; video access to this updated material along with exam access and certificate of continuing education must be purchased/accessed separately while access via hyperlinks and passwords to other previous/ancillary videos is provided in this book. About the series: This is an updated excerpt—focusing on dysbiosis—from Functional Inflammology—Volume 1: Introduction to Clinical Nutrition, Functional Medicine, and Integrative Pain Management, the culmination of data from several thousand research publications combined with Dr Vasquez’s many years of clinical experience and teaching graduate-level students and doctorate-level clinicians worldwide. Using illustrations, flowcharts, acronyms, and detailed-yet-simplifying explanations, Dr Vasquez makes the learning process easier than ever for clinicians to grasp important concepts in integrative care and functional medicine and then to translate the basic science research, molecular biology, and clinical data into treatment plans that can be explained and used in “the real world” of clinical practice with patients. The associated video tutorials and recorded live conference presentations further help students and clinicians “get it” via Dr Vasquez’s effective teaching style which embraces complexity while always emphasizing clinical applicability and psychosocial context. The Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology series of books and videos translates important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation, which Dr Vasquez describes as “patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction” existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic inflammation, 2) allergic inflammation, and 3) autoimmune inflammation. For more insights and clinical applications, please see the full version of Functional Inflammology.
Full-Color version: with Discount code: Q4QKVJBX
Discounted black/white printing: with Discount Code: 9BZJ32PJ
Retail with overnight delivery option:
Inflammation and Autoimmune Solutions: Seven Keys of the Updated FINDSEX Protocol: Second Edition in Color (2014)
Brief description: Following the update and expansion of the 700-page Functional Inflammology, Volume 1 (August 2014; ISBN: 9780990620402), the previously published F.I.N.D.S.E.X.—The Easily Remembered Acronym for the Functional Inflammology Protocol (April 2013; ISBN: 9781484046760) is now provided as Inflammation and Autoimmune Solutions: Updated Second Edition of the F.I.N.D.S.E.X.® Functional Inflammology Protocol. This new version is published in full-color, with additional video access, and expanded and more detailed clinical protocols to facilitate the translation of important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation. Dr Vasquez describes these “patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction” as existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic, 2) allergic, 3) autoimmune. This textbook introduces, reviews, substantiates the intellectual and empirical construct of a sufficiently/practically complete approach—organized as the “functional inflammology protocol”—to the prevention and treatment disorders of *sustained inflammation*, previously termed “chronic inflammation.” This book includes access to video presentations which introduce the origin and components of the Functional Inflammology Protocol and FINDSEX® acronym. Post-publication updates to this information and important social and clinical contextualization are contained in the accompanying videos—hyperlinks and passwords are provided via websites and newsletters as described within the textbook. This book includes access to many of Dr Vasquez’s articles, including his insightful and paradigm-shifting 2014 editorial describing “the new mitochondrial medicine” published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine.
Purchase link: Discount code:E3GYLT4A
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Antiviral Strategies and Immune Nutrition: Against Colds, Flu, Herpes, AIDS, Hepatitis, Ebola, Dengue, and Autoimmunity (2014)
Brief description: AntiViral Strategies and Immune Nutrition (Print ISBN 1502894890) provides doctors, nurses, and the general public with access to proven clinical protocols to improve immunity and fight infections, especially viral infections. This completely updated and re-organized outline is updated from Dr Vasquez’s previous versions published in 2009 and the most recent previous version published in Rheumatology v3.5. This book provides concepts and clinical approaches cited to biomedical and clinical research in a format that is easy to access and which provides internet hyperlinks to database websites, full-text articles, and instructional videos, updates, and tutorials. The digital version of the book available for computers, tablets/iPads, and smartphones—Antiviral Nutrition (Digital ASIN: B00OPDQG4W)—is updated regularly and provides active hyperlinks and immediate access to research abstracts, full-text articles, and videos.
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Functional Medicine Rheumatology v3.5: Functional Inflammology, volume 1: Addendum and Clinical Applications (2014)
Brief description: Note: Naturopathic Rheumatology contains all of this information and more. Functional Medicine Rheumatology, Edition 3.5 is designed to accompany the recently updated Functional Inflammology, Volume 1 as the most recent version of Dr Vasquez’s previous Integrative Rheumatology, Edition 3. This volume is not meant to be used as a stand-alone reference because it does not contain the full details of the patient assessments, concepts, and clinical interventions that are detailed and contextualized in Functional Inflammology, Volume 1; this book—clearly an extension of the first volume—is being made available so that recent purchasers of Functional Inflammology, Volume 1 or Integrative Rheumatology, Edition 3 will be able to append or update, respectively, their recent purchases and thereby to access the most complete and up-to-date versions of the clinical applications. The full and complete update to DrV's rheumatology protocol is now available as a single volume of 900 pages: Naturopathic Rheumatology v3.5 (ISBN: 978-0990620426 / 0990620425). This work—which originated from Dr Vasquez’s teaching notes in the Rheumatology course at Bastyr University in 2001—is the culmination of several thousand research publications combined with Dr Vasquez’s many years of clinical experience and teaching graduate-level students and doctorate-level clinicians worldwide. In the complete work, using radiographs, photos, acronyms, illustrations, flowcharts, and detailed-yet-simplifying explanations, Dr Vasquez makes it easier than ever for clinicians to grasp important concepts in integrative care and functional medicine and then to translate the basic science research and molecular biology into treatment plans that can be explained and used in “the real world” of clinical practice with patients. The associated video tutorials and recorded live conference presentations further help students and clinicians “get it” via Dr Vasquez’s effective teaching style which embraces complexity while always emphasizing clinical applicability and psychosocial context. The Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology series of books and videos translates important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation, which Dr Vasquez describes as “patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction” existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic inflammation, 2) allergic inflammation, 3) autoimmune inflammation. This book includes access to video presentations which introduce the origin and components of the Functional Inflammology Protocol and FINDSEX® acronym. Post-publication updates to this information and important social and clinical contextualization are made available in videos and online repositories (access provided in the book), and the e-newsletter available from InflammationMastery and This textbook also provides access, via reprints or hyperlinks, to Dr Vasquez’s published articles—an example of which is his recent paradigm-shifting editorial published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (2014 Jan). In the complete work, the updated section on pain management allows students and clinicians to understand and apply manual, pharmacologic, nutritional and botanical medicine treatments for musculoskeletal pain, thereby providing better relief for patients and avoiding the hazards of NSAIDs, coxibs, steroids, opioids, immunosuppressants/immunoparalytics and biologics.
Purchase link: Discount code:PQW9SAGP
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Fibromyalgia in a Nutshell: A Safe and Effective Functional Medicine Strategy (2011)
Brief description: A complex condition deciphered based on published (and often overlooked) research-the hope for cure for millions of people who have suffered far too long! Summarizing research presented in Europe in March 2012, "Fibromyalgia in a Nutshell" is an updated excerpt from two of Dr Vasquez's recent books for doctors: "Migraine Headaches, Hypothyroidism, and Fibromyalgia" and "Integrative Orthopedics-Third Edition." This edition of the information has been completely reviewed and revised for easier reading by the general public; doctors and patients alike will find this information clinically accurate as well as therapeutically applicable for daily use. In this book, Dr Vasquez clearly discusses the risks associated with drug-based treatment of fibromyalgia and he also delineates the cause of fibromyalgia and its proper treatment with diet, nutritional supplements, and the appropriate use of select non-analgesic and non-psychoactive medications. Patients and doctors alike will be empowered with a treatment protocol that is safe and effective for daily use.
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Chiropractic and Naturopathic Mastery of Common Clinical Disorders: The art of co-creating wellness while effectively managing acute and chronic health disorders
Brief description: Chiropractic and Naturopathic Mastery of Common Clinical Disorders is a clinically-oriented textbook that introduces and reviews concepts in the assessment and management of the acute and chronic disorders most common in clinical practice: hypertension, diabetes mellitus type-2, immunonutrition, immunorestoration, viral infections, dyslipidemia, musculoskeletal pain, mood disorders (especially depression and anxiety), and allergy and asthma. Patients are increasingly looking for nondrug and nonsurgical methods for the alleviation of disease and the promotion of optimal health; Chiropractic and Naturopathic Mastery of Common Clinical Disorders provides you with the fundamental information needed for the successful integrative management of the most common conditions seen in the holistic practice of integrative medicine. With several thousand citations to the biomedical literature and about 600 pages of clinically-oriented protocols, this book provides enough information to manage a wide range of conditions successfully with evidence-based protocols. Students at chiropractic/naturopathic/osteopathic/allopathic medical colleges will find Chiropractic and Naturopathic Mastery of Common Clinical Disorders to provide a needed blend of concepts as well as the practical how to information on patient management that is often neglected in other textbooks or which can only be obtained after years of clinical experience. This book will help you synthesize your courses in physical examination, manipulation, physiotherapy, nutrition, botanical medicine, neurology and therapeutic exercise into a cohesive set of skills that enables you to effectively help your patients overcome their acute/chronic health problems while you simultaneously promote optimal health--wellness--by looking at the bigger picture of their overall health rather than simply focusing on the problem. Chiropractic and Naturopathic Mastery of Common Clinical Disorders is a compilation of the most popular chapters from Dr Vasquez's previous editions of Integrative Orthopedics and Integrative Rheumatology with brand-new chapters on Asthma, Diabetes Mellitus Type-2 and Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension, Disorders of Mood and Behavior, and Acute/Chronic Viral Infections. These new chapters help doctors extend their mastery beyond the musculoskeletal specialization detailed in Dr Vasquez's first three textbooks (Integrative Orthopedics, Integrative Rheumatology, and Musculoskeletal Pain: Expanded Clinical Strategies) to treat a much broader range of clinical problems and thus to achieve higher levels of clinical success. With these new chapters in addition to the time-tested chapters from his previous books, Dr Vasquez offers students and clinicians access to evidence-based protocols written specifically written for the successful private practice of chiropractic and/or naturopathic medicine.
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Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease in a Nutshell
Brief description: "Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease in a Nutshell" is an excerpt from the 700-page textbook "Functional Inflammology, Volume 1" made available in this shorter version to increase access to doctors and patients who are confronted with the challenges of dealing with hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis.
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Integrative Orthopedics: Third Edition with Laboratory Interpretation, Migraine Headaches, Iron Overload, and Fibromyalgia
Brief description: Integrative Orthopedics Third Edition is a clinically-oriented textbook that introduces and reviews concepts in the assessment and management of acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. Since approximately 1 of every 7 (14% of total) visits to a primary healthcare provider is for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction, every physician needs to have 1) knowledge of important concepts related to musculoskeletal medicine, 2) the ability to recognize urgent and emergency conditions, 3) the ability to competently perform orthopedic examination procedures, and 4) the knowledge and ability to design and implement effective treatment plans. Students at chiropractic, naturopathic, osteopathic, and allopathic medical colleges will find Integrative Orthopedics to provide a needed blend of concepts as well as the practical “how to” information on patient management that is often neglected in other textbooks or which can only be obtained after years of clinical experience. This book will help you synthesize your courses in physical examination, manipulation, physiotherapy, nutrition, botanical medicine, neurology and therapeutic exercise into a cohesive set of skills that enables you to effectively help your patients overcome their musculoskeletal problems while you simultaneously promote optimal health—wellness—by looking at the bigger picture of their overall health rather than simply focusing on “the problem.” Integrative Orthopedics provides the information and the citations to the research literature that you need in order to feel confident about your new skills and the new responsibilities that you will face as a licensed healthcare provider. You will also be able to test your own knowledge and comprehension of the material by taking the “final examination” that covers the basic material and the core competencies that every doctor should know when working with patients with musculoskeletal problems. Physicians and students of all professions will find that Integrative Orthopedics offers the opportunity to review and refresh their knowledge of musculoskeletal medicine and to fill in some of the empty spaces where information has either been forgotten or may not have ever been taught. If your frmal education did not provide training in topics such as proprioceptive retraining, interventional nutrition, post-isometric stretching, or botanical medicines, then certainly you will benefit even more from reading Integrative Orthopedics. Combining Integrative Orthopedics with Integrative Rheumatology will give you a clinical advantage and the research justification to help treat your patients in the most natural, safe, and holistic means possible.
Purchase link: Discount code:DJSVTW2G
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Mitochondrial Nutrition and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Care, Second Edition
Brief description: "Mitochondrial Nutrition & Mitochondrial Medicine for Primary Care Conditions" is now updated and expanded to 466 colorized pages as "Mitochondrial Nutrition and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Primary Care, 2nd Edition"; this revision—published in full-color, with additional video access, and expanded and more detailed clinical protocols—translates important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation, which Dr Vasquez describes as “patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction” existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic, 2) allergic, 3) autoimmune. This textbook introduces, reviews, substantiates the intellectual and empirical construct of a sufficiently/practically complete approach—organized as the “functional inflammology protocol”—to the prevention and treatment disorders of *sustained inflammation*, previously termed “chronic inflammation.” This book includes access to video presentations which introduce the origin and components of the Functional Inflammology Protocol and FINDSEX® acronym. Post-publication updates to this information and important social and clinical contextualization are contained in the accompanying videos—hyperlinks and passwords are provided via websites and newsletters as described within the textbook. Dr Vasquez describes “the new mitochondrial medicine” in an insightful and paradigm-shifting editorial published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (January 2014).
Purchase link: Discount code:ECDSMGGS
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