Inflammation Mastery, 4th Edition = 1200 pages + 30h video: Efficient and Effective Treatment of a Wide Range of Common Diseases based on DrV's Functional Inflammology Protocol (video) and Expert-level medical-clinical integration (video).
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New publication 2016: Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition
Not simply a "book": 1,182 pages in color + more than 20 hours of video access
Discount via ICHNFM.ORG: US$170 plus shipping and handling (retail: US$250 plus shipping and handling)
Updates: Includes and bypasses everything from the previous editions published as Integrative Rheumatology (2), Naturopathic Rheumatology, Functional Inflammology and Functional Medicine Rheumatology; complete overhaul/expansion/update of the migraine and fibromyalgia protocols.
Inflammation Mastery 4th Edition provides everything from laboratory interpretation to the details of fatty acid biochemistry and mitochondrial dysfunction and hormonal imbalances/correction in one convenient location with a complete index. Also available as a two-volume set titled Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
Peer-reviewed: Yes, as you can see in the large PDF sample on page 6; see also:
Dr Vasquez, "Mitochondrial Nutrition in Primary Care" Integrative Medicine 2014
Dr Vasquez, "Role of Western Diet in Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases” Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2014
Dr Vasquez, "Neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia and CRPS is multifactorial" Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2016; full-text of this article is printed in the book
Dr Vasquez, "The Clinical Importance of Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol): A Paradigm Shift with Implications for All Healthcare Providers" Altern Ther Health Med. 2004
Dr Vasquez, "Understanding Functional Medicine by Appreciating the Web-like Interconnections of Physiologic Factors" Integrative Medicine 2006
Samples and excerpts:
Click on PDF (larger PDF with photos) to see inside
Samples of Videos:
The book provides more than 30 hours of videos, presentations, and tutorials to enhance the learning process via video, text, and diagrams. (You can click to enlarge these sample videos.)
New edition of "Volume 1" (2016) is now available,
replacing Functional Inflammology (2014)

Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Vol. 1
Essential Knowledge for Safe Action and Effective Treatment
ISBN/EAN13: 978-0990620457, 099062045X
Retail: US$120 at Amazon, discounted in the ICHNFM bookstore
Contents: 744 pages, printed in beautiful full-color
Chapter 1) Patient assessment, laboratory interpretation, risk management, hypothyroidism, hemochromatosis,
Chapter 2) Wellness, Lifestyle-based Medicine,
Chapter 3) Integrative pain management using nutrition, botanicals, and manipulative medicine,
Chapter 4) Functional Inflammology Protocol: Diet, Polydysbiosis, Viral infections, nutritional immunomodulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, mTOR, ERS-UPR, orthoendocrinology, xenobiotic detoxification.
Textbook of Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Volume 1: Essential Knowledge for Safe Action and Effective Treatment (2016) updates and extends the previous Inflammation Mastery / Functional Inflammology, Volume 1 (2014). This work is the culmination of several thousand research publications combined with Dr Vasquez's many years of clinical experience and teaching graduate-level students and doctorate-level clinicians worldwide. With radiographs, photos, acronyms, illustrations, flowcharts, and detailed-yet-simplifying explanations, Dr Vasquez makes it easier than ever for clinicians to grasp important concepts in integrative care and functional medicine and then to translate the basic science research and molecular biology into treatment plans that can be explained and used in "the real world" of clinical practice with patients. The associated video tutorials and recorded live conference presentations further help students and clinicians "get it" via Dr Vasquez's effective teaching style which embraces complexity while always emphasizing clinical applicability and psychosocial context. The Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology series of books and videos translates important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation, which Dr Vasquez describes as "patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction" existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic inflammation, 2) allergic inflammation, 3) autoimmune inflammation. This book includes access to video presentations which introduce the origin and components of the Functional Inflammology Protocol and FINDSEX(R) acronym. Post-publication updates to this information and important social and clinical contextualization are made available in videos and online repositories (access provided in the book), and the e-newsletter available from ICHNFM.ORG. This textbook also provides access, via reprints or hyperlinks, to Dr Vasquez's published articles--an example of which is his recent paradigm-shifting editorial published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (2014 January). The updated section on pain management allows students and clinicians to understand and apply manual, pharmacologic, nutritional and botanical medicine treatments for musculoskeletal pain, thereby providing better relief for patients and avoiding the hazards of NSAIDs, coxibs, steroids, opioids, immunosuppressants and biologics.
Teaching methods: The associated video tutorials and recorded live conference presentations further help students and clinicians “get it” via Dr Vasquez’s effective teaching style which embraces complexity while always emphasizing clinical applicability and psychosocial context. The Inflammation Mastery & Functional Inflammology series of books and videos translates important concepts and nutritional/biomedical science into easy and practical clinical applications for the prevention and treatment of disorders of sustained inflammation, which Dr Vasquez describes as “patterns of metabolic disturbance and inflammatory dysfunction” existing in three sequential and overlapping categories: 1) metabolic inflammation, 2) allergic inflammation, 3) autoimmune inflammation. This book includes access to video presentations which introduce the origin and components of the Functional Inflammology Protocol and FINDSEX® acronym. Post-publication updates to this information and important social and clinical contextualization are made available in videos and online repositories (access provided in the book), and the e-newsletter available from ICHNFM.ORG. This textbook also provides access, via reprints or hyperlinks, to Dr Vasquez’s published articles—an example of which is his recent paradigm-shifting editorial published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (2014 January). Updated section on pain management allows students and clinicians to understand and apply manual, pharmacologic, nutritional/botanical medicine treatments for musculoskeletal pain, thereby providing better relief for patients and avoiding the hazards of NSAIDs, coxibs, steroids, opioids, immunosuppressants and biologics.